I usually took the bus to work and then back home. And from home to the bus stop I walked. I had seen many things on my way but that day was different when I saw a dog sitting on the footpath. I didn’t thought it was something to worry about. Maybe it was out there for a walk and the owner was nearby. I didn’t give it a thought that it could be something tragic.
Later that day when I was coming back to home, I noticed that the dog was still there, sitting by itself. I imagined that maybe he was lost. I felt miserable knowing the fact that it had been sitting there whole day. I called after it to take it with me, but when I went near it, it ran off to the opposite side of the traffic lights.

I knew it wasn’t safe to let it be there alone but I had no choice left when it disappeared among people. I waited for it to stop hiding and come out but it stayed hidden.
The very next day, I was walking to the bus stop in hope that the dog that I saw the day before had been found and not still there. As far as my luck goes, it was still there.
I decided to put a bait so I took some cookies out of my bag to offer it. It was also because I was wondering if it ate anything since I saw it.
It took the bait and started coming towards me. But then, when it suddenly realised who I was, it turned around and left. Again.

Disappointed, I went on my way to work with an ache in heart. Later that day, on my way home, I saw it again. I called after it and it seemed like it got a little comfortable with me being around. It wagged it’s tail back and forth. It indeed was enthusiastic, but it didn’t go near people much.
This took my thoughts to the suspect of it being either hit or abandoned by it’s owner and not lost. But it was only a suspension I hoped was not true.
The third day, I inquired around asking people and they said that it was here for a month or more now. I wondered if it was just a stray dog with a story to find about.

It was there on the fourth day also. This time I brought some dog food with me. I put it in front of it and then distant myself so it could eat the food. It was getting acquainted with me but it still was cautious of the food. After inspecting it with it’s nose, it finally ate it.
The inside of me kept urging me to touch it atleast once so I slowly stepped towards it but it got the idea and started going back. It kept it’s distance and I wanted to know happened to it exactly.

Once the dog finished it’s food, I took it to my apartment. It was still scared to trust me. I felt sad for it and made a promise to myself that no one will ever hurt it again. It had a home now, where it will be loved and cared for. I made him sleep in the cage for a night or few until I prepare something for his comfort.
A few days passed but nothing changed about it’s behaviour. It kept maintaining it’s boundaries, not eating food, not trusting people, just lying in a cozy corner. On the third day it started responding to the calls. But after walking a few steps in the garden, it was petrified again. It did a few weird actions and went back to being a status.

On fourth day, I gave it a bath. After the bath, I dried up it’s hair and brushed them nicely. It looks beautiful and fluffy after the wash. It started eating but in secrecy.
Seven days passed and I was seeing improvement. It started responding to the calls, started eating off the ground, being friendly enough to let others pat it’s head. It felt like it started recognising me as his owner.

It became cheerful and happy. I threw a calcium bone and it brought it back to me. It liked being called little yellow so I decided to name it little yellow.
It had changed a lot in these couple of days. So extrovert and so protective. Always asking for attention. And after some more days, it came out every time I said that the dinner was ready.
I took a guess that it might be missing it’s former owner which must have been the reason of it’s fear and lack of trust.

Those twenty days completely changed little yellow. From lying in the corner, it went to running in the open field. From staring at the stares motionless, it became the fastest one to reach the top. It seemed a lot happier.
After ninety days, it was completely happy and unrecognisable. Where ever I go, it followed me. Always waited for me to come back home. Once I took it to a walk from the bus stop route, and it suddenly stopped in it’s tracks. It stared at a distance motionlessly, probably thinking about days when it was out here waiting for someone who will never come.

But luckily, it didn’t affect it like it used to. After we were home, it was back to being my little yellow. It became dependent on me which made it even more loyal. It was no longer just a pet, it became my only family in this big city.
In those six months, we visited many places together, depending on each other for emotional support. It used to be timid and fragile because of all the pain of loss it suffered, but with it’s time with me, it became cheerful and happy.

A dog is not just a pet
Yes! It is not just a pet, it is family. If you give equal amount of affection to a human and a dog, there is a chance that human will leave you for good. But a dog stays loyal till it’s last breath.
I am not trying to make comparisons, but merely stating the fact. A human can put others in danger because of his greed but not a dog. If anything, it will protect you for life.
So as I always say, if you want to experience unconditional love and loyalty, adopt a dog or even better, adopt a stray dog.