The weather was glorious so me and my friend, who was also in my rescue team, decided to go on a ride. We were roaming here and there the whole day but what happened in the evening could had never been predicted. We were on our way to our town when we overtook a bike guy and we were shocked by the inhumanity of some people. That guy had five small puppies tied by there legs, hanging on the handle of the bike on either sides.

We parked right infront of him to stop him and save those innocent animals. We talked calmly to keep the person comfortable enough to trust us. But we were shaken inside out. The first thing we did was take the puppies in our hand and tried to undo the rope but he started snatching them away.

While talking to the biker, he told us that he had sold many puppies before and we assumed that it couldn’t be in any decent and legal manner. He said he was with someone who was caught by the police just then when they were on their way to sell them. We tried to talk him through it and persuade him to keep the animals in a cage instead of hanging them like that, but he insisted that this method sell dogs faster. Monster? Yes, that’s what we thought.

After a while when we refused to let him take the puppies, he got frustrated and angry. We didn’t let him touch the puppies, so he held the rope instead and snatched the puppies away, causing them to hang painfully in the air. We tried talking to him, explaining him that it was wrong, so he replied that it didn’t violated any law. He started saying that it was buisness and this was how he fed his family.

He finally agreed to give us all five dogs but for ninety dollars. We immediately took the puppies back in our hands. He said that we had to give the money before undoing their ropes. Without any hesitation, we gave him the money and he got back on his bike. We requested him to not do such evils from now on. But he was just shouting at us. We asked politely but he got off the bike and stated coming at us. He said we despised him because we had money. That was so shallow and unacceptable. Then he started hitting the head of my friend.
He came for me but I backed off quickly. He went back on his bike after some threats. He said he was not going to stop and he warned us to not ruin his work. We finally set them free by cutting off the ropes. The puppies started moving around and wagging their tails in happiness of finally being set free. It seemed like they liked us and they knew we were their to rescue them.

They looked hungry but we had nothing more then a few snacks and water bottle. We fed them all the snacks we had and made them drink water by pouring it in our palm after curving them to hold water. A little by little, they were able to drink water. We felt helplessly sad for thinking about the time they were in abduction of that cruel human being. But on the other side, we were happy that they were in safe hands now.
Inhumane humans and their inhumane activities
Horrifying! That is the first thought that crossed my mind. First and the only, in that. I still don’t want to accept the fact that these kind of people do exist in the world and they live harmlessly and shamelessly. I never want to witness such a thing but I also do wish that people like the rescuers outnumber the seller types.
Hurting another living and breathing being to get through your survival is the utter most disgusting thing to do and it won’t get you anywhere. People like this need to understand this.
I have two dogs and I just can’t even imagine anything like that happening to them or their babies. Right now I have one favour to ask from all you readers. If you find anything like this, don’t ignore the situation and don’t turn your back on those cheerful animals. Because ignoring is just as bad as committing it. What I ask for is, rescue them however you might find fit. Anything, call police, buy them, anything. But just be like these rescuers and the world soon will become a better place to live.